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Dogs running free on open moorland
Tracking App

Tracking App.


Tracking your dog(s) walk.


One extra free service, at Bark and Ride I offer an app to track your dog(s) walk, to show you how long, how far, and most importantly how much fun he/she has been having.

Below are a few screenshots of the app, that some of my delighted customers have agreed to and given permission of use.




















As you can see the route and distance, time, and location of your dog(s) walk.

If you would like to avail of this extra free service please let me know during your free consultation.

Like the above screenshots, you will receive (usually by the end of the day)this information on your dog(s) walk  that day.

You will also receive photographs of your dog(s) out on their walk, having fun.


To book your free consultation please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Tracking App 3
Tracking App 1
Tracking App 2
Tracking App 4
Bark and Ride Puppy

Professional Dog Walker, Dog Trainer, Puppy Trainer and Pet Care Provider.

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